Ok so I am off to the Cidy today - remember Aussies pronounce their T's like D's....I am just giving you guys the full on experience of my travelling knowledge as I gain it. (Other knowledge - saw a HUGE cockroach running down the wall towards my bed today apparently 'I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here' does not exaggerate everything....queue bug spray and me being told 'your not allowed to step on them cos thats how they lay their eggs and then we'll have millions of cockroaches' - just the idea of more than 1 makes me want to cry...)
City/Cidy let me tell you about that - got to the station, my bag broke, I havent had breakfast because of the cockroach fiasco, get on the train and a weirdo man call Parvo tried to massage my feet and then made me get off the train 1 stop early....most traumatic! I was ok though it was a better station and I am brave! (I am not brave but I figure if I keep saying it I will be!) Anyway at the other end I managed to buy the most tacky 'look at me I am a tourist' bag ever - black with big bright yellow Australian town names all over it...still it served me well! I then took a left (I had not planned today at all...I was officially a rambling wanderer...living the dream starts here)....turned out best left ever - it took me to Market City - its like a small lakeside. That was cool. Right under it though is Sydneys Paddy Markets - hilarious! These Markets are fairly famous for souvenirs and tit-bits (I love the term tit-bit) but for me it was the childrens dominatrix outfits, adult sexy spiderman costumes, tye dye koala bears, real life kangaroo testicles (for luck...it clearly wasnt lucky for the kangaroo!!!), plastic non functioning didgeridoos, fake Opal and Jade jewelery claiming to be 99% not fake and the inflatable kangaroos (they were out of my budget though...). Craziest Market ever...was wicked! (I did buy some flipflops...as far as I can tell they are 'normal' not inflatable or dominatrix'y. Though did you know Aussies call flipflops thongs - I cant get used to this whenever they say it I imagine underwear on my feet which does not sit right with me....).
Hit the entertainment centre after and then made my way along to Darling Harbour to check out where I would get the boat I was on for New Years Eve tomorrow! (Did i tell you I'll be on a boat YEY!) Darling harbour was stunning, the chinese friendship garden, the circus, feris wheel, Sydney Olympic statue, various water features...oh to be 4 again and be able to fling myself fully clothed into one of the fountains without being looked at like a crazy! Cockle Bay came into view which is part of Darling harbour, surrounded by the latest, coolest bars and restaurants and the worlds biggest IMAX cinema. There wasnt a cloud in the sky as I arrived just this perfect blue sky which complimented the deep blue waters of the bay...I could live here. I wish you could all see it right now....you'd love it! There was skywriting too - it started off with an F - U - an you know I nearly closed my eyes cos I thought it might be rude...but it turned into FUTURER - still skywriting is cool....I would like someone to skywrite for my Birthday (letting you know now so you have time to get the plane and the pilots licence and the special writing smoke okay!) So yea skywriting done I found my boat for tomos - excitement - walked back past these GIANT lego figures as there is a big ole display on at the aquarium and the wildlife centre which is just off the harbour, I also saw a HUGE spider which I approached...cautiously and bravely and possibly stupidly cos it totally could have sprung into my face which would not have been ideal! But i got a photo (see photos on the side of these blogs) I dont know what it was but its the biggest wild spider I've ever seen! Trekked back to central station and then hopped on a train to circular key (the centre of all the Harbour action) - where I then jumped on a boat and saw the harbour from the harbour...the bridge, the opera house, luna park, Balmain Island, the rocks, the other bays, Sydney Tower and so much more. The holiday officially started here.
30 December 2010
MUPPET: [mah-pet] origin, British slang derived from an association with Jim Henson's 'muppet' puppets. e.g. Kermit the frog or Miss Piggy. noun, refers to an idiotic or silly person in a highly affectionate and loving way. You got on the wrong plane, you muppet. OR. Leave that fit spanish man alone havent you scared him enough, you muppet?
ABROAD: [uh-brawd] noun, a foreign land or lands, e.g. the Isle of White (not to be confused with 'a broad' - gangsta term for a lady type person). adverb, description of presence in a country/continent outside of the land of origin. Hannah will soon be famous at home and abroad :)
Disclaimer: in no way shape or form am I implying that I am THE Kermit the frog let alone Miss Piggy...any references made to the 'muppet' term should be accepted fully under the 'adorable idiot' definition. I, Hannah, being the adorable idiot :)
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